Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Training

Pure Mobility and Flexilibity Training

Completing a Fast, just drinking boats loads of water, taking a multi-vitamin, turmeric, and cinnamon.

Client's Training

Sasha - learns the hang power clean and takes on a mean met-con

Trevor - takes on elevated split squats and scapular activation drills

Pramod - pushes his limits in the push jerk and rowing met-con

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Client's Training

Martin - continues to make HUGE improvements within his shoulder and thoracic spine, moving onto the hip region next week

Sean - introduced to the different variations of the squat (high bar, low bar, front squat)

Susan - works on sumo deadlift and body weight density training

My Training

A. Sumo Deadlift - 5/135, 5/225, 5/275, 5/315, 5/375

B. Tabata Deadlift - each set was bt 10-13 reps at 135lbs

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Training

A. Bench (chains) - 31X! - 3/225, 2/235, 1/245, 3/235, 2/255

B1. Incline DB - 30x0 - 8/70, 8/75, 8/80 - 60 secs
B2. Hammer Pulls - 3012 - 8/130, 8/150, 8/160 - 60 secs

C1. Decline Fat Gripz Skulls - 12/60, 10/60, 10/60 - 30 secs
C2. Reverse Fat Gripz Curls - 8/40, 8/40, 8/40 - 30 secs

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Training

No Mustard in this pickle today

GPP - old school style!!!

15 Facepulls
10 Flat Neutral Grip DB Press
5 Chins
10 Triceps Push-downs (I know!)
10 Lateral Flyes (I know already!)

A. Fat Gripz Bench - 31X1 - 4 x 2/225 (15 sec rest b/t doubles), 4 x 2/225, 3 x 2/225 - 4 mins between each set

B. Strict Sup Bent-Over Rows - 3011 - 8/115, 8/115, 8/115, 8/115 - 1 min rest

C. DB Isometric Hold on the Incline Bench - 6 sets at 30 sec a hold - 30 secs

D. Bench Press Tech

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Client's Training

Mark - pushed through a tough workout of zercher squats and turkish get-ups

Karina - tackled basic bench press mechanics and the sumo-deadlift high pull

Melissa - focused on hamstring activation and hip/thoracic mobility